Category: BLOG

Halunen Law Executive Coordinator Kerry D’Amato honored by Minnesota Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
“Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character . . .” –Arthur Schopenhauer. At Halunen Law we are well aware of Executive Coordinator Kerry D’Amato’s commitment to animal welfare, generous spirit, and dedication. We are extremely pleased the Minnesota Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (WRC) recently recognized her countless contributions at their 14th annual “Night …

Employment Attorneys: Answering the Why and When
Part 1: Understanding the Need
Every one of us would love to find that dream job with the perfect boss and supportive co-workers, a sort of “Occupational Utopia”, but not all employment relationships have a happily ever after. Unfortunately, there are times when honest, hardworking employees get caught up in workplace issues that are confusing and by their very nature, …
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Part 1: Understanding the Need“

Forged Under Civil War Fire, The False Claims Act Continues To Serve As Basis For Private Citizens To Blow The Whistle On Would-Be Fraudsters Of The Government Trust
Forged Under Civil War Fire, The False Claims Act Continues To Serve As Basis For Private Citizens To Blow The Whistle On Would-Be Fraudsters Of The Government Trust Under a little-known law, private citizens with knowledge of fraud against the government can bring a lawsuit against the offending organization. Called the False Claims Act, the …

Whistleblower Alleges Shocking Fraud Involving Cancer Patients
The diagnosis: Cancer. Few words have the power to alter one’s life as dramatically as those six letters linked with the phrase – “test results.” The Journey begins. The two critical elements for any cancer patient are affordable care and a physician that, above else, you can trust with your life. There is an ethical …
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When it seems like people are accepting of others and their beliefs, something happens to change that. For a St. Cloud, Minnesota, police officer his career and performance were rated high until he revealed his sexual orientation to his employer. Now, the officer who was viewed highly within his department believes he is being discriminated …

Protecting the Public with Whistleblower Protections
The Star Tribune published an article today about how a mental health agency, Complementary Support Services, that was supposed to provide quality services to a vulnerable population, instead is reported to have engaged in rampant fraud that “bilked the state’s Medicaid program of millions of dollars and provided inadequate supervision of unlicensed practitioners.” That private …
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Employees Take a Stand – Women’s Economic Security Act: New Protections for Minnesota Employees!
Whether or not you were aware of it, Minnesota recently took another giant leap forward in protecting its employees from unfair discrimination in the workplace. On Mother’s Day 2014, Governor Dayton signed into law the Women’s Economic Security Act. While the title suggests that the act’s focus is equal pay for women, it actually provides …

Employees Take a Stand – Minnesota Drug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace
We all know that it is best not to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Employees should avoid ever being in a position to have a positive drug or alcohol test result in the workplace. With that in mind, we must also acknowledge that there are many prescription medications that are necessary for …
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DHS Whistleblower Case Settled
The whistleblower case filed on behalf of Paul Olson, a high level employee of Minnesota’s Department of Human Services (DHS) has settled for $295,000. Olson had alleged that the DHS had ostracized him and removed all meaningful responsibilities from his position after he refused his managers’ demands to violate a statute to give a financial …

Employees Take a Stand – Not So Golden Years
It is rare for a few days to pass without getting a call from someone who was terminated because of, they believe, their age. It happens all the time. An employer hires someone in their 20s or 30s when they’re young and inexperienced. In their 40s, the employee has climbed the professional ladder, trained in …
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