Halunen Law Blog

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Minnesota False Claims Act Expands Time for Whistleblower Claims
Legislature Updates Minnesota False Claims Act – Expands Time to File Whistleblower Claim and Persons Covered by the Act

On April 22, 2013, Governor Dayton signed HF 290 into law, which modified Minnesota’s False Claims Act found at Minn. Stat. § 15C. The bill primarily changed the statute so that it would reward and facilitate False Claims Act cases at least as effectively as the federal law. By making these changes Minnesota should be …

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Halunen Law – Whistleblower
Minnesota Strengthens Whistleblower Protections

Greater protections for Minnesota whistleblowers became a reality on May 24, 2013, when Governor Dayton signed HF542, which enhanced Minnesota’s Whistleblower Act, Minn. Stat. §181.932. The Act prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who report violations of statutes or regulations, or refuse to engage in conduct that violates the law.  The legislative changes increase whistleblower …

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Halunen Law – Employment

Societal attitudes seem to be changing regarding sexual orientation discrimination. For example, the recent defeat of the proposed state marriage amendment confirmed that a majority of Minnesota voters do not believe that a prohibition against same-sex marriage should be codified as a state constitutional amendment. However, many civil rights advocates might agree that more action is required. …

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Black and white photo of pillars and steps in front of a courthouse

A number of our posts have focused on Telephone Consumer Protection Act violations, as banks, clothing retailers and have used text messages and emails to gain better access to customers. Essentially, texting advertisements to consumers has been an easy (and inexpensive) way to pass messages about special offers. While this may be a good thing …

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Black and white photo of pillars and steps in front of a courthouse

Today consumers are becoming much more conscious about where their food comes from. Specifically, more information is available about the conditions in which animals are raised. To connect with people’s sensitivities about animal cruelty, some producers have advertised their products (i.e. chicken and turkey) as “humanely raised” or have included statements suggesting that they do …

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Black and white photo of pillars and steps in front of a courthouse

Trader Joe’s is known for selling what is described to be all-natural products that ostensibly have lower levels of sugar, salt and are free of artificial products. It has established a loyal following as more stores open in Minnesota. However, a recent class action challenges this notion. In a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District …

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Halunen Law – Employment
Is It Legal to Be Fired for Selling Girl Scout Cookies?

The sale of Girl Scout cookies has become a national institution. Just like the return of Minnesota Twins baseball, blooming flowers, and March Madness, offerings of Tagalongs, Thin Mints and Dosidos are very common during spring. Those who are reading this post have probably purchased a box from young scouts strategically positioned outside a grocery …

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Halunen Law – Employment

A professor at Macalester College is suing her employer, alleging gender discrimination, as well as race and national origin discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act. The woman is currently a full professor with tenure at the college, teaching creative writing in its English department. However, the professor claims that she was wrongfully denied several promotions …

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Black and white photo of pillars and steps in front of a courthouse
Online Membership Class Action Settlement

Online shopping has become a lucrative business option for Internet retailers, just as much as it has been a convenience for last minute shoppers. During holidays such as Easter, Mother’s Day and Christmas, sites like ProFlowers.com, RedEnvelope.com and Berries.com (which sells Shari’s Berries products) enjoy a great deal of success. Part of their success involves …

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Halunen Law – Employment
Employees Win Unpaid Overtime Class Action Lawsuit in Twin Cities

We recently wrote about a settlement in a class-action lawsuit involving janitors working for a company responsible for cleaning Twin Cities Target stores reached a preliminary allegation of unpaid wages. Dozens of janitors working at Target stores in the area had sued Tamps-based Diversified Maintenance Systems claiming they were required to work as many as …

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