Tag: Whistleblower

Whistleblower Physician to Collect $4.5 Million
Honesty is the best policy. It’s one of the first lessons we learn, and yet it seems there is an epidemic of selective memory loss among providers who choose to defraud Medicare. Our journey begins in South Carolina where another medical provider is paying out millions in an effort to put the allegations of wrongdoing …
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There’s No Smoking Gun” – Coler Speaks at National Conference
Halunen partner and whistleblower/False Claims Act attorney Susan Coler recently spoke at the National Employment Lawyers Association 2016 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. Her topic was proving discrimination and retaliation when there is no “smoking gun” — that is, when there is no direct evidence of illegal conduct. She noted that the law allows juries …
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Legislature Updates Minnesota False Claims Act – Expands Time to File Whistleblower Claim and Persons Covered by the Act
On April 22, 2013, Governor Dayton signed HF 290 into law, which modified Minnesota’s False Claims Act found at Minn. Stat. § 15C. The bill primarily changed the statute so that it would reward and facilitate False Claims Act cases at least as effectively as the federal law. By making these changes Minnesota should be …